viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Autoevaluation of our group.

Our group is made by David Mendoza, María Clavero, Ángela Carretero, Alvaro Romero, Ana Belén Doncel and Juan Erencia. We are fun attack and we participate in #quesejuegue. In this autoevaluation we're going to say what we think that are our good points, our bad points and the things that we could improve. First of all, we are going to enumerate the good things that we think we have:

·We are a group that has a good level of english. Every member of the group can defend himself in this language and that helps us for this project because our class is bilingual and we have to write things like this in english or speak to the teacher.
·We don't lose too much time. We try to record the games in the class and not to go playing with the other groups and have a walk around the playground. Although we record in the class, there is one bad thing that i will point later.
·We use our afternoons for thinking about games and which way we can develop them.
·We edit all the videos in the computer, which gives the videos much more quality.
·We work as a group. All of us try to help and nobody goes around disturbing the rest of the group.
·We try not to copy from other groups, although sometimes there are so many games that you will have to take an idea from another one, because it's very hard not to repeat the games.
·Kids have had a great time with us, they have had a lot of fun and they had learned things.

Bad things:
·Although we work in class, some of us get distracted very quickly and start playing with the material. Not all the group does it but the ones that do it have to correct this.
·Sometimes we didn't think the games before the class and we had to think them in the time where we could have been recording them.
·We needed to take some afternoons in order to finish the recordings because of the point that I have spoken about in the last sentence.
·We speak sometimes in spanish with the teacher because we don't remember that we have to do it in english, but we are trying to correct this.
·We didn't ask the people from Twitter #quesejuegue about ideas for games.
·We gave  candy to the children one day. This isn't that bad if it was only one time but it can interrupt the eating schedules that the parents design for their children.
·Children don't listen to us as much as we would like. They go around and play even when we're telling them to listen to us.

·Try not to get distracted in the classes in order to record as many games as possible.
·Think the games before the classes. We have improved in this aspect.
·Do everything in class so that we don't have to spend time out of school.
·Speak in english as much as possible in the classes.
·Speak and interact with people from #quesejuegue.
·Give children other rewards, not food (candies)
·Invent a method for children to listen to us.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Presentation Video

Here is our presentation game for the project #QueSeJuegue. Enjoy it!

In this video, the objective is to make kids learn our name and a thing that we like to do. They have to place making a circle, and one starts saying his name and a movement that he likes doing. Everybody has to repeat it meanwhile the next one says his name and his movement. When the round has finished, they start to say the name of another person and his movement, until everybody has said something about other person. You can repeat this with other things like sports or music as many times as you want.

My Group, Fun Attack!

Hey! We are Fun Attack, a group of students that participate in the project #QueSeJuegue. Our objective is to spread the message of the importance of playing in order to enjoy life in a better way and for that, we will be playing with kids from the school. We have to design,record and upload 10 videos explaining the games that we will teach to the kids. You will be able to see these videos as soon as we upload them to the blog. Have a great time playing, and remember, #QueseJuegue!!

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015


Hey! I'm Juan Erencia Luque, 1º Bachillerato B student. I study ciences and i would like to study any career related with this branch of studies. I'm a funny boy, who is always looking forward to have a great time and enjoy things as much as i can, but learning. I like to travel and to spend time with the people i love. I also love music, in fact, i spend the whole day listening to music, even when i'm stuyding (but maybe it's a little bit excesive). Well, i'm looking forward to this P.E. academic year, and let's see if we do correctly our projects. Here is a little pic in Los Picos de Europa, Asturias.