jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

MyFitnessPal! Macros

As you can see on this graphs, I have tried to achieve the percentages set by our teacher but I didn't manage very well because I have to change my diet I suppose. We can see that I eat more fat than I should and less proteins, so I should change this because fat should be lower. Carbohydrates are also a little high but they are better, close to 40%.

MyFitnessPal! Calories

What is MyFitnessPal? Have u never heard about it? Don't worry!! I'm here to teach you once again.
MyFitnessPal is a free app that everybody can use in their cellphones. What is this app for? Well, it's very useful. Firstly, this app allows us to make a diary of everything that we eat and it measures the calories of this food. The app will ask you for a value of calories that u want to ingest (this should be your total energy expenditure) and it tells you if you have eaten enough calories, not enough or too much of them. Also, it tells you the macronutrients of the food you have eaten and this is very useful because we're trying to get 40% CH, 30% Proteins and 30% fat and the app measures this for you.

I have written in the app every food that i have eaten during this week, (from friday 22nd to thursday 28th, 7 days) and I'm going to make an analysis in this post. First, I will put the calories that I have
eaten everyday. As you can see when you scroll down, I have reached my objective most days and some other days I didn't reach it. But if you look at the week graph, I have got to my calories objective, so this is correct.

#kascomío Conciousness.

Hello! We're back on the blog, it's the 3rd term and one of the 2 projects we're working on is called #kascomío. In this project our teacher Gloria Herrero will make us learn about nutrition, healthy eating and she will try to make us eat healthier (althought this is a little bit difficult!! :P)
In this first post I'm going to define some basic information that we need for the project, this basic information is: Basal Metabolism, Macronutrients and Total Energy Expendure.
Last week, in class, Gloria showed us how to calculate our basal metabolism. Oh, wait, don't you know what this is? Don't worry, i'll show you.

·It's the minimal rate of energy expenditure per unit time by endothermic animals at rest(animals that maintain their body temperature at a value that is favorable for them, like us, humans) at rest.In easier words, it's the amount of kcalories (energy) that our body needs at rest, only for the body itself.

P = \left ( \frac {13.7516 m} {1 ~ \mbox {kg}} + \frac {5.0033 h} {1 ~ \mbox {cm}} - \frac {6.7550 a} {1 ~ \mbox {year}} + 66.4730 \right ) \frac {\mbox {kcal}} {\mbox {day}}

This the formula for men. I calculated it in class and for me, it was 1691,6 kcal.
Energy expenditure is mainly a sum of internal heat produced and external work. The internal heat produced is, in turn, mainly a sum of basal metabolic rate(what i've defined just before this) and the thermic effect of
food. External work may be estimated by measuring the physical activity level (PAL).
In my case i'm sedimentary (although i'm doing exercise now), so I multiplied my basal metabolism by 1,2. The result was 2030 kcalories, which is my calories objective in MyFitnessPal.

There are four primary macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein, fat, alcohol. In our P.E clasess we are going to wark with CH, protein and fats. Macronutrients are defined as a class of chemical compounds which humans consume in the largest quantities  and which provide humans with the bulk of energy.
                                   Carbohydrates-> They give us the most energy. These should be the base of our food, being a 40% of our calories. In my case, doing the 40% of 2030 and dividing it by 4 calories each gram give us the amount of CH that I need: 203 CH.
  Proteins-> They are the base of our muscles, helping them to rebuild after exercise. They do a lot more of functions in our body. We have to eat 30% of our calories in proteins. Each gram of protein has 4 calories too, so i have to ingest 152,25 grams of protein.
Fats-> They are very important for our body but we can't eat too much because we will store them(the same thing happens with CH if we don't burn them). In this case it's also a 30%, but each gram of fat has 9 calories. I have to ingest 67,7 grams of fat (approx. 70).