viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016


13/01/2016 - This has been the first day of Crossfit. I have to say that I have a bit of stiffness because it has been a lot of time since I don't do intense training like thisWe have done a WOD called HIIT. It is 50 seconds of training and 10 seconds of rest each exercise during 12 minutes.
15/01/2016 - Today we have done a TABATA. It is 20 seconds of training and 10 seconds of rest each exercise during 12 minutes. It has been a little bit tiring for me due to the stiffness of the other day but I think I managed well.
20/01/2016 - Today we changed. We have gone to the pavilion because it was raining. There we had to do 30 sit ups, 30 jumps over a couple, 30 wall ball squats and run 1 km. Teacher Gloria has asked us to note the time we have spent in the whole workout. In my case it has been 18 minutes. Nevertheless, I couldn't finish the running exercise because I was starting to get sick. I'm not used to this!
27/01/2016 - Today we did another WOD, AMRAP. It's "as many repetitions as posible". It was 30 hip bridge, 15 partner row, 30 single rope jumpls and 15 box jump. I have done 4 rounds.
29/01/2016 - Today was EMOM, 5 triceps dips, 5 broad jump and 5 sit ups during 18 minutes.   Each exercise in one minute, if we finish before the minute ends, we have time for resting. I have recorded today some this 3 exercises because I will record them when the term finishes in order to see if I have improved.
03/02/2016 - Today was descendent ladder! The exercises waere dead lift, back squats, hip thrus, shoulder press. In my case, I have spent 18 minutes doing the whole WOD. It wasn't very hard because they were mobility exercises.
10/02/2016 - Today’s training i has been EMOM, 15 minutes: 17 rope jump, 7  face up/down and 5 sumo squats. It’s the first time we have designed our own WOD.
12/02/2016 - Today's WOD, 10 heavy ball, 10 jumping jacks, 10 burpees and 10 air squats. I have done 5 rounds.
17/02/2016 - Today’s training has been with towels. We have done mountain climbers, lunges and  push ups with them Also a new exercise which consisted in being in a frozen squat and helping your partner to come to you with a rope. I have done 4 rounds, it was very tiring.
24/02/2016 - HIIT WOD today. Two rounds (50’’ y 10’’ rest) Run, burpees, run , squats, run and sits ups.

02/03/2016 - TABATA WOD today. 4 minutes doing each exercise (20'' working 10'' rest). The first squats with a rope, second frozen squats, third squats with the heavy ball and last exercise was moving a match. We didn't have enough time for doing the 4 exercises, we just finished 3.


I have done 3 challenges: 2 of #ElRetoCrossfit and one of them invented. Alvaro tweeted me challenging me to do 3 challenges. I have changed one of them into doing 30 push ups in 35 seconds. Here you can see the tweets:

I have recorded part of these challenges because they were very long and obviously I couldn't be able to record the whole video. Plus, it was very tiring and I couldn't make 200-sit ups and 100 burpees (it's a little bit impossible for me). In the first one( squats, lunges..) I did 1 round because it was also very tiring (my quads were going to explode; you can notice this because I have to stop several times).
The third one, 30 push ups, I did it in something less than 35 seconds, maybe my tecnique is not the best but I was thinking that I wouldn't have enough time and I didn't pay very much attention to it.

Here you can also see a donation that I made of 25 km, it's the e-mail I recieved but I don't have the screenshots of the route I followed.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

Progress in Exercises!

Another objective is to show the progression we have obtained during the term doing exercises. I have recorded myself today, 3 of march, doing the same exercises as one WOD in P.E class. You can clearly see differences. The exercises are sit-ups, broad jumps and triceps dips.
-> Sit ups. I can do many more and faster than before.
->Broad jumps. The distance I jump is much more wide and I have obtained the ability to do it faster.
-> Tricep dips. I can do many more with a better tecnique. You can see on the first video that it was hard for me and now it's not at all.
Here is the VIDEO

Body Composition!

There are several things to mark in my progress on body compostion.
First of all, the old ticket is from january and my fat percentage was 21%. Now it is 22% but if you look at the percentage of mass without fat, it has risen up many kilogrames. This is due to the fact that I have been doing exercise at home for increasing my volume (specifically push ups). I also have risen up a little my mass with fat but this might be cause I have eaten many junk food (which I shouldn't have done). Also, the blood pressure is very very high (a maximum of 16'9 like mine should be worrying) but it was because I had just finished doing intensive training (Progress exercises and #ElRetoCrossfit) and I was nervous because I don't like the feeling of my hand inside the machine because it feels like it's gonna get trapped into it, so I felt very anxious and that might have been the cause of the pressure. (What's more, in our Biology class we are measuring our blood pressure and mine is a little bit high,14, but it's okay). Well, I think there's nothing more left to say. Here you can see the photographs of the tickets and compare them.

10 WODS!!! Part 2

Number eight. Descendent ladder. Starting with 10 reps.
-Side leg raises
-Hip thrust
-Shoulder taps

 Number nine. EMOM
-Clapping push-ups 5 reps
-Sit-ups 10 reps
-Wall balls 10 reps
-Lenght jump 8 reps.
Number ten. TABATA
-Reverse crunches

-Sissy squats with ropes
-Flutter kicks

10 WODS!! Part 1

Here are the 10 WODS designed by me:

Number one: HIIT. High Intensity Interval Training. 50" of exercise and 10" of rest during 12 minutes.

-Back squats
-Length jump
This is a parkour length jump. In our case we do this on the floor, it's jumping with your feet straight and 
using your hands to push yourself
-Sit ups.

Number two: TABATA.. 8 series of each exercise. Each series includes 20 seconds exercising and 10 seconds resting. The total amount is 12 minutes.
-Russian twist. (This is recommendable with a dumbbell or something with weight)
-Frozen squats.
-Single leg tricep dip

Number three. DESCENDENT LADDER. This consists of starting doing for example 12 reps of each exercise and you have to do series until you reach 1 rep of each. In this time we will start with 12 reps and we will continue up to 1
- Declined push ups
-Front lunges
-Knees to elbows
Number four. EMOM.Every minute on a minute, here you have to do the exercises in 1 minute and rest until the next minutes begins. The WOD lasts 10 minutes.
-Wall balls 8 reps.
-Sprint 10 seconds.
-5 push-ups with your knees
-10 jumping squats.

Number five. AMRAP. 15 minutes.
-12 Shoulder press.
-10 Swings with a kettlebell.
-15 sumo squats
-20 jumping jacks

Number six. TABATA. 15 minutes.
-Triceps push-up

-Box jumps
-Sideways plank
Number seven. HIIT. 18 minutes
-Boxer's punch.
-Normal squats
-Star plank

 -Jumping Jacks.

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016

Training a woman in Strength!!!

                             TRAINING A WOMAN. CROSSFIT

One of the objectives in the proyect #DesWhyFit was training a woman in strength. In my case, I have recorded my sister, designed some wods for her and i have edited the videos. Finally, I'm going to show you the results in here!
First of all, i'll introduce my sister. She is called Cristina, she's 25 years old and she exercises from Monday to Thursday on Zumba and Aerobic, but she doesn't do any strength exercise. That's why I decided to record her and, in addition, she offered herself as volunteer to do it when she just heard the idea.

I have recorded her for 4 weeks, 2 times a week. I used exercises that we did in class and some others from Internet. The result is 4 videos with 2 days in each one. Each day has 4 exercises.

Day 1-> AMRAP in 18 min.
-Superman 20 reps
-Push ups 10 reps
-Single leg tricep dip 15 reps
-Jumping Jacks 20 reps
Day 2->Tabata 20" exercise and 10" of rest. 12 min.
-Squats with weight
-Isometric Plank
-Frozen squat
-Jumping Jacks

Day 3->HIIT. 50" of exercise and 10" of rest. 12 minutes.

-Front lunges
-Single leg tricep dip
-Half cobra push up
Day 4-> HIIT. 50" exercise 10" rest. 12 minutes.
-Sumo squats
-Mountain climbers

-Sit ups
-Hip thrust

Day 5-> Descendent ladder. 12 series starting with 12 reps.
-Back squats
-Squats with weight
-Shoulder press
-Hip thrust
Day 6-> AMRAP in 15 min
-Knees to elbows. 18 reps.
-Superman. 20 reps
-Jumping Jacks. 20 reps
-Push ups. 10 reps

Day 7-> Tabata. 16 min
-Sideways plank
-Sumo squats
-Jumping Jacks
Day 8-> Descendent ladder. 12 series starting with 12 reps.
-Length jump
-Knees to elbows crunches

Motivation Wall

I also decided to contribute to the motivation wall in the highschool! If you take at it, the results have been amazing. What's more, the wall has run out of space and now people are pasting their photos/phrases on the wall next to it! It's amazing. Well, here you can see my contribution.

Donating material!!

Today I have donated a dumbbell to the highschool gym in order to have more material and create a training center. I hope it's useful for everyone!
