viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016


13/01/2016 - This has been the first day of Crossfit. I have to say that I have a bit of stiffness because it has been a lot of time since I don't do intense training like thisWe have done a WOD called HIIT. It is 50 seconds of training and 10 seconds of rest each exercise during 12 minutes.
15/01/2016 - Today we have done a TABATA. It is 20 seconds of training and 10 seconds of rest each exercise during 12 minutes. It has been a little bit tiring for me due to the stiffness of the other day but I think I managed well.
20/01/2016 - Today we changed. We have gone to the pavilion because it was raining. There we had to do 30 sit ups, 30 jumps over a couple, 30 wall ball squats and run 1 km. Teacher Gloria has asked us to note the time we have spent in the whole workout. In my case it has been 18 minutes. Nevertheless, I couldn't finish the running exercise because I was starting to get sick. I'm not used to this!
27/01/2016 - Today we did another WOD, AMRAP. It's "as many repetitions as posible". It was 30 hip bridge, 15 partner row, 30 single rope jumpls and 15 box jump. I have done 4 rounds.
29/01/2016 - Today was EMOM, 5 triceps dips, 5 broad jump and 5 sit ups during 18 minutes.   Each exercise in one minute, if we finish before the minute ends, we have time for resting. I have recorded today some this 3 exercises because I will record them when the term finishes in order to see if I have improved.
03/02/2016 - Today was descendent ladder! The exercises waere dead lift, back squats, hip thrus, shoulder press. In my case, I have spent 18 minutes doing the whole WOD. It wasn't very hard because they were mobility exercises.
10/02/2016 - Today’s training i has been EMOM, 15 minutes: 17 rope jump, 7  face up/down and 5 sumo squats. It’s the first time we have designed our own WOD.
12/02/2016 - Today's WOD, 10 heavy ball, 10 jumping jacks, 10 burpees and 10 air squats. I have done 5 rounds.
17/02/2016 - Today’s training has been with towels. We have done mountain climbers, lunges and  push ups with them Also a new exercise which consisted in being in a frozen squat and helping your partner to come to you with a rope. I have done 4 rounds, it was very tiring.
24/02/2016 - HIIT WOD today. Two rounds (50’’ y 10’’ rest) Run, burpees, run , squats, run and sits ups.

02/03/2016 - TABATA WOD today. 4 minutes doing each exercise (20'' working 10'' rest). The first squats with a rope, second frozen squats, third squats with the heavy ball and last exercise was moving a match. We didn't have enough time for doing the 4 exercises, we just finished 3.

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